Vince DiMaggio Hall Sunday, August 21, 2022 3:30-5:30PM On Sunday, August 21st, the community will come together at Vince DiMaggio Hall for our second Sound Bath Workshop! This unique event…
How many of you had a Resolution to eat better, more balanced and healthier? How many of you feel like you accomplished that goal? The hardest part of reaching that…
Lose weight. Exercise more. Improve diet. These were the most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2021. In fact, these are the most common resolutions for Americans year to year. …
Feeling stressed? Work, traffic, pandemic, social pressure and everything in between means our lives are busting to gills with stress. Recent statistics state that over 55% of…
Joining an exercise class can seem intimidating. Especially when you don’t feel your best self. You might not think you will be able to keep up. Or maybe…
What if there existed a fountain of youth, one source that would promise you to live to 100 years of age while remaining healthy, happy and still mentally…
We are constantly breathing. It is something that we do subconsciously, autonomously, in order to survive. When was the last time you took control of it, or even noticed…
Yoga in itself is a practice intended to connect the body, mind and spirit. In the process of connection is this tuning into the present moment, becoming aware of…