How Exercise Affects the Brain October 13, 2022 annaleahmt Group Training, health, Lifestyle, Monterey Bay Moves, Older adults, Personal Training, resistance training, seniors, stress relief, wellness active, adults, brain health, exercise, improvement, Lifestyle, mbm, mental health, older, older adults, physical activity, resistance training, seniors, WellnessExercise is not only good for your bones and muscles, but it is also an important part of keeping your brain healthy too. Exercise Boosts Your Mood and Reduces Stress …Read More
3 Reasons Why Group Running Works September 12, 2022 annaleahmt group class, Group running, Group Training, health, Lifestyle, Monterey Bay Moves, Personal Training, Running, stress relief, wellness benefits of running, community, fitness, group exercise, group running, Health, mbm, montereybaymoves, outdoors, run, running, stress relief, training, walk, Wellness1. Connect with Others It can be hard to find the motivation to go out for a run especially if you’ve had a long day. When you have people supporting…Read More